
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The farm by Frano.

walt  we are lening to write a memoir imspitad by james k baxieis the town.

The farm was usual enough; it had
a smokey red rusty tractor, naughty smelly cows, a runty quad bike, bike jumps at the back and it even had
a pool I bomb in. Me mum and friends
Drive the smoky tractor and mouth the padics. we bomb in the pool with friends and jump the ditch on the quad bike. Teasing the smelly cows making making huts and doing  Nothing Important.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Te Reo cartoon strip

We are learning to ask and answer questions in Maori and translate Te Reo. We are also extending
my Te Reo words and knowledge.


identify what qualities that makes me a good leader

Franos life sikill of a kauri

Thursday, November 7, 2019

my farm
